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Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19

Can a mother infected with coronavirus breastfeed her child? And Basil leaves to cure kidney stones, Causes of kidney disease in children

Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19: 

The baby develops well by breastfeeding from birth to a certain time. There is no substitute for breast milk for immunity. But many mothers become infected with the coronavirus after childbirth or when they are a few months old. As a result, the question has arisen in the epidemic, can a mother affected by corona breastfeed her baby? What is the risk of the baby becoming infected because of feeding?

Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19: 

Dhaka Community Medical College and Hospital, Assistant Professor of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Tahmina Parveen said that so far, they have found no evidence of infection of the baby through corona-infected mother’s milk and feeding it. As a result, she advised the baby to breastfeed.

However, with the advice of caution. Tahmina Parveen said the mother must wear a mask while breastfeeding her baby. The nipple should clean before feeding. Hands should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before and after holding the baby. She advised her mother to keep everything used and hand-held clean and germ-free regularly.

Meanwhile, the Holy Family Red Crescent Medical College, Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics, Associate Professor. Tahmina Begum said that to take the mother to life support or ICU because of corona infection, it must pay special attention to the cleanliness of the utensils, including the utensils, before feeding the baby by pressing her breast milk.

Basil leaves to cure kidney stones!

Basil leaves have thousands of benefits. Basil leaves have been used to cure diseases since ancient times. We use Basil leaves as a medicine for various diseases. However, the surprising thing is that this basil leaf also solves terrible diseases like kidney stones. But in that case, let us know how to use basil leaves.

Benefits and uses of basil:

Sore throat: In case of sore throat, boil basil leaves in lukewarm water. Then rinse with that water or drink it like tea. After doing this three or four times, you see that the sore throat has healed.

Cold and cough: Almost everyone has a cold and cough in every season. It happens to everyone nowadays. Phat also suffers from this. However, no matter how hard it is, the solution is in the basil leaves. You can easily solve the problem by washing the basil leaves well and chewing the juice for five minutes.

Skin problems: Acne is not a recent problem. Tulsipata is one of the most available and effective ingredients to solve this problem. Besides acne problems, allergies play a special role. Make a paste of basil leaves and apply it to the skin to get rid of them.

Fever: Nowadays, there is no end to the fear of fever. Here, wash a few basil leaves well with a cup of tea and drink it. Besides fever, it can get rid of malaria, dengue, and other diseases. When cinnamon is mixed with it, its effectiveness is further enhanced.

Kidney problems: There is no substitute for Tulsi to solve some kidney problems. Drinking a glass of basil juice every day reduces the chances of kidney stones. If a person develops kidney stones, then if he can drink basil juice for 6 consecutive months, the stones will come out with the urine. It has the potential to heal quickly.

Causes of kidney disease in children

Kidney disease can affect children and adults. 40 to 50 lakh children in the country are suffering from various types of kidney diseases. The symptoms of kidney disease in children are almost the same as in adults. Children are at higher risk of kidney disease during coronary heart disease. Former chairperson of the Department of Children’s Kidney, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University, Prof. Dr. spoke about the various aspects of children’s kidney disease symptoms. Golam Moin Uddin.

What are the principal causes of kidney disease in children?

Professor. Golam Moin Uddin said that children usually get kidney disease because of congenital or hereditary reasons. They inherited kidney diseases while the baby is still in the womb. Then several symptoms appear after the baby is born. Such as urinary incontinence, shortness of breath, baby not growing, crooked arms and legs, vomiting, electrolytic imbalance, blood in the urine, dripping urine.

Why do children have kidney failure?

There are two types of kidney failure in children. Kidney failure at an abrupt or rapid pace. Which is called Acute Kidney Injury. Another is slow kidney failure.

Professor Dr. Golam Moin Uddin said that the reason for sudden kidney failure is that when a child suffers from dehydration due to diarrhea or vomiting, the blood flow to the kidneys is reduced. If they do not feed a child Orsaline due to dehydration, his kidneys rapidly deteriorate. This reduces urination.

He said that because of the loss of fluid in the body because of diarrhea or vomiting, the kidneys in the body suddenly become crippled. Kidney failure is because of any infection. Inflammation can lead to kidney failure. It is also a sudden kidney failure. Also, in the rainy season, bee or snake bites can enter the body and cause kidney failure. Some drugs cause kidney failure. Kidney failure can occur if there is a congenital disability in the urinary tract.

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What causes kidney stones?

Professor. Golam Moin Uddin said such diseases are because of congenital causes. Especially if there is a marriage between relatives, there is a possibility of such a disease. If there is a blockage in the urethra, there is a possibility of kidney stones if there is stasis.

How do children know if they have kidney disease?

Symptoms include swelling of the eyes and mouth after waking up, decreased urinary pressure, watery hands, and feet, watery stomach, and decreased urination. Bleeding with urination, burning sensation in urine, fever, nausea.

Professor Dr. Golam Moin Uddin said that when creatinine increases, these symptoms of headache and convulsions occur. Symptoms of anemia, loss of appetite, weakness, weight loss, etc., may also occur in children. Then the parents will go to the doctor with the children.

What is the number of pediatric kidney patients in the country?

40 to 50 lakh children in the country are suffering from various kidney diseases. Children are born with congenital and hereditary kidney disease. Ultrasonography detects most congenital kidney diseases. Urinary tract infections, nephrotic syndrome, drugs cause kidney disease after birth. Children also go to pediatric kidney specialists for many kidney diseases, including dehydration, kidney shrinkage, and losing two kidneys on either the right or left side.

Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19
Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19 Breastfeeding Tips During The COVID-19

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