
The Indian Wicketkeeper With a ‘Frog Jump’

Wicketkeeper frog jump

India lost to Pakistan in the 1992 World Cup in Sydney. Since then, however, India has made it a rule to lose to arch-rivals in the World Cup. The fact is that the India-Pakistan match in the Cricket World Cup means India’s victory – a kind of cricket fans have accepted. But the India-Pakistan match at the World Cup in Australia-New Zealand 29 years ago centered on a ‘frog jump’.

In that match, the fight between Indian wicketkeeper Kiran More and Pakistan’s legendary star Javed Miandad has become history. The ‘iconic’ picture of cricket history has become the scene of Miandad jumping in front of Moore. Miandad did such a strange thing that day because it upset him with Moore’s words – he has said that many times. Morey, however, shared an interesting piece of information about that ‘frog jump’.

Miandad and Moore, who faced off in a fight in Sydney that day, laughed after discussing the incident with each other several times. Moore went to Pakistan soon after the 1992 World Cup. On learning that, Miandad called him and invited him to his house. The two met at Bare Mia’s house till 4 in the morning. They laughed at the incident of the India-Pakistan match in the World Cup.

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What happened that day! Moore recounts the incident that has been discussed many times over the years. “Everyone thinks I have a lifelong feud with Miandad,” West Indies speed star Kirtley Ambrose said in an interview on his YouTube channel. But the fact is, we’re both great friends. I went to Pakistan right after the 1992 World Cup. Miandad called me and invited me to his house. We ate together and chatted until four in the morning. Every time Miandad’s “frog jump” came up, we laughed out loud. I had a lot of fun that day. ‘

  • “I was teasing Miandad,” Moray said. He is the best batsman on the Pakistan team. My goal was not to let him run. I knew he was suffering from a back injury. So I kept telling the bowlers not to give him a place to play shots. He was cutting as soon as he made a short ball. talented batsman Miandad. That’s what I was talking about. ‘

In an interview, Miandad said, “Everybody was pleading with More that day, it was as if he was begging the umpire for money.” “We both went down to play an India-Pakistan match at the World Cup for the first time,” Moore said on Ambrose’s YouTube channel. Both of them were under pressure. There has been a lot of writing in the media before the match. As many spectators as there were at the Sydney Cricket Ground that day, everyone was making a lot of noise. We were there. We knew that if we lost the match, it would be difficult for us to return to India. Wicketkeeper frog jump.

Morey also said what happened between the two on the field, ‘Miandad once looked at me and said,’ Morey, why are you thinking so much! We are winning the match. I replied, ‘Hey, we will win. You go to hell. ‘


This time Miandad missed a ball from Sachin Tendulkar. Moray stood behind the wicket and grabbed it. He appealed aloud. He appealed in such a way that the ball touched Miandad’s bat and it came in his gloves. This is exactly what Moore described. ‘he turned to me and said,’ Shut up! ‘ I gave him the same word back. Miandad also accused umpire David Shepherd of harassing him. Later a chance came to run out Miandad with a ball. I grabbed the ball and made a gesture to break the stumps. At that point, I made a small jump. Then Miandad suddenly started jumping back at me. ‘


frog jump

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