
The Current Trend Is Jade Stone Roller

Jade Stone or Jade Stone Roller is one of the most popular beauty accessories among beauty lovers nowadays. Although Jade Stone Roller has become popular in recent times for its social media benefits, it has long been used in ancient Asian and Chinese beauty treatments.

Jade Stone or Jade Stone Roller is one of the most popular beauty accessories among beauty lovers nowadays. Although Jade Stone Roller has become popular in recent times for its social media benefits, it has long been used in ancient Asian and Chinese beauty treatments.

Jade Stone Roller

What is Jade Stone Roller?

Jade stone rollers are made of jade or quartz stone. The color of this stone can range from pale green to turquoise. These stones basically reduce the pressure of the skin by increasing the blood circulation in our skin and calming the skin by keeping the temperature under control. This protects the skin from aging quickly.

How does the Jade Stone Roller work?

According to ancient Chinese belief, the jade stone roller is not an ordinary stone. It has healing powers. In other words, it removes the fatigue of our skin and keeps the skin cool and calm. Although there is no scientific research on jade stone yet, many users believe in its healing power. Jade Stone is thus a cold stone. Rubbing cold ice on our skin calms the skin, relieves fatigue, Jade Stone does just that. Due to various reasons, our skin becomes tired due to various reasons including hard work, pollution, the blood circulation process between the skin is disrupted and as a result, the skin loses its radiance. Jade Stone Roller helps to keep our skin normal and healthy in various ways.

Read More: Beauty Treatments On Ice And Steam

Reduces excess skin temperature and pressure

Anxiety, sleep deprivation, fatigue, pollution, sun, etc. increase the temperature of our skin and put extra pressure on the skin. Regular massage with a jade stone roller improves blood circulation, removes excess temperature, and reduces pressure on the skin. It takes physical and mental peace.

Reduces swelling or puffiness of the face

If the blood vessels under the skin are blocked, the blood circulation may not be normal. As a result, our face and eyes, especially the lower part of the eyes, become swollen. The jade stone roller helps to bring these obstructed ducts back to normal flow. It reduces swelling and restores freshness to the skin.

Helps to retain youth If the
The blood circulation process of the skin is healthy and normal, wrinkles will not fall easily on the skin. Regular massage of Jade Stone Roller not only prevents wrinkles but also maintains the youthfulness of the skin for a long time by maintaining the feeling of tightness.

Increases the effectiveness of skincare products

Many people use serum, facial oil, and moisturizer on the skin. When massaged with Jade Stone Rollers, all these skincare products blend very well with all parts of the skin and increase the effectiveness.

How to use

How much the Jade Stone Roller works will largely depend on how you use it. This stone is still quite cold, but many people use it in the fridge to get a better cooling effect. Users think that massaging at least three to four times a week for 5-6 minutes gives good results. However, there are some rules for its use that can be counterproductive if not followed. For example, never pull the roller from top to bottom, but from bottom to top, otherwise, the reverse skin may sag.

This roller cannot be used on dry skin. Oil, moisturizer, or serum must be applied before the massage. After each use, it must be washed thoroughly with warm water and soap, so that it does not spread any germs. Recently, fake and low-quality jade stone rollers have become popular all over the market. So even if the price is a little higher, it would be wise to buy the real product. Another thing to keep in mind is that Jade Stone Roller is just a beauty product, not a medical device. So if for any reason the skin becomes abnormally swollen or swelling persists for a long time, then a doctor should be shown without relying on the jade stone rollers.

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